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July 21: Living from Spirit

Living from Spirit


If you truly want to live magically and effortlessly from Spirit it’s not something you practice do every-so-often. 


As William Whitecloud, author of the book The Magician’s Way, says “you can’t stick a straw into the magician’s world and expect to suck out the magic”.


To live from Spirit requires from us a completely different way of living our lives.  It is an orientational shift in how we operate.  It is a choice we have to make every day: to be aware of our CAGE, to step out of it, to live from Spirit, and to be of service to what we want to create as opposed to proving or protecting ourselves.  When we make this shift, we experience life in a completely different way and create what we love effortlessly.


Now, that doesn’t mean that we will have a life without pain or difficulty; just that our experience of these things will be different than for those who create meaning from their pain, and sink deeper into suffering, creating more of what they don’t want.


The power to own the idea that we are creating ‘it all’ and then shifting our focus back to what we would love to create puts us in the driving seat of our own lives.


This month, we are looking at how we stay in the magic and live from Spirit on a daily basis!  We will be pulling together the premises we have been looking at over the last few months and putting in place a structure that will serve you in your day-to-day life in order to create what you love effortlessly.


I want to share with you the structure that has not only worked for me, but has worked for all those who have followed it over the years.  I invite you to try it for yourselves and see the changes that it brings into your life.


Structure to create your Lush Life vision


When you have completed the Lush Life vision and created your choices, you have anchors into the life you want to create.  Your job now in the creation of this is to:

  • put the creative tension into the choice;
  • keep shifting the power into the vision; and
  • receive the obvious insights/inspired actions


You can put the creative tension into the choice using the C.R.E.A.T.E. exercise we did in May.  Looking at the vision and the current reality you put into the creative tension will allow the insights to drop in.  Naming what comes up for you–your doubts, reservations, fears and how you want to resolve them in your identity–enables you to take the power away from them.


Just like brushing your teeth, making daily choices becomes a healthy habit that ensures not only your physical health but also your Spirit’s well-being.  To put the creative tension in:

  • imagine the vision of each of your choices;
  • truly experience the emotion and energy of it;
  • choose it (choosing prevents the pipe dream, “this will be really nice one day”. Choosing is what injects creative tension, the catalyst for all creation.  When you decide “this is true and I will create this”, it is amazing to experience the insights that miraculously drop in.); and
  • take one or two of your choices a day and do the CREATE exercise:
    • Do these in rotation–otherwise resistance can creep in subtly and you will find you’re not looking at choices that bring up the most psychological tension for you
    • Building your intuitive muscle: You may find that you receive insights or inspired actions during the ‘Ask’ step of that exercise—or you may not.  As you do this more and more, you will build a steadily stronger connection to your intuitive voice and you will hear it more readily.  The way forward will become obvious.


Everyday creating


Experienced creators have end results for everything!  When something isn’t going smoothly for a client the first question I will ask is “What’s your end result?”.  This is generally met with a sheepish grin and an “I don’t have one”.  And it’s also the first question I ask myself!


There is a strange phenomenon that I’ve seen occur often when people have a Lush Life vision and choices.  They seem to focus on creating the ‘big things’ and forget about the day-to-day things.  Day-to-day creations are truly what make the human experience beautiful and effortless bringing joy and love into our lives and ensure we are living the fullest expression of our Spirit.


If we don’t have an end result we are at the mercy of our C.A.G.E.  There is no creative tension to help us out, and we will be resolving the tension of our underlying beliefs, assumptions and definitions.


Now, I don’t spend all of my day foucsed an end result; I’m only human, after all, and we are having a wonderfully human experience of this world.  However, when I am focused on creating something–from this membership module to a nice meal-I have an end result in mind.  I intentionally put myself into the energy of my end result because then I know I am engaging my Spirit’s natural ability.  I don’t have to rely on what skills I have in my C.A.G.E.–I can access a world of ideas and resources that will support me in creating whatever it is that I want.


The key is, then, to listen and to follow that intuitive voice–that inner sense of knowing that comes to us with insights and inspired actions.  We hear it all the time but so frequently dismiss it because we “don’t know where it came from” or “it doesn’t make sense”.  We have all had those moments when something happens and we knew we “should” have done something differently.


Our subconscious mind creates our reality based on the messages we give it, but it’s not just listening to what we are saying–it’s taking in messages based on what we are doing, as well.  When we listen to our intuitive voice, we are giving it a message that we want to hear the voice and that we want to follow it, and so our subconscious will create us noticing that voice more and more.  When we hear it and don’t follow it we are giving our subconscious the message that we are not interested in hearing the voice and we will hear it less and less.


Choose to start to notice that voice and choose to pay attention to it–even if it doesn’t make sense.  Our C.A.G.E. wants things to be concrete and absolute, and so the intuitive insight won’t always make sense because it’s coming from a place of the 400 billion bits of information–more than we can rationally see.






A recent example of my own daily creation


My boyfriend has a passion for motorcycle riding.  Embracing my adventurous spirit, I am elated to be able to share this passion with him!  Of course, my practical side wants to ensure that we do that safely.


During our Cornwall holiday last week, we had a great time doing some odd jobs together, but we really wanted to find some protective motorcycle gear for our maiden tour.  We had a few abortive attempts at trying to get help picking out the best clothing.


One afternoon, we were running errands and needed to put new tires on the car.  It seemed like a great opportunity to try out a local café at the bottom of the town.  During our trip, he suddenly said, “I’m getting a thought to go to the top of town”.  As we came to the fork in the road, he followed up by saying, “but that makes no sense… then we can’t go to the café?”.  We so nearly turned toward the café, but instead committed to following his intuitive sense and turned right to the top of town.


At this point, it’s worth mentioning that I had said the day before that what I would really love would be to be able to try some biking gear on in a shop with someone who would help me make sure that I had the right level of protection, and so that I could try it on with everything else!


We got the tires on the car in record time, shopped for dinner instead of the café, and had a coffee together.  At that time, I received a message from a seller on Facebook inviting me to view some cute motorcycle boots.  It just so happened that when we arrived, not only did the boots fit, but she also had a jacket that was perfect as well.  On the way home, we passed a motorcycle shop that we had forgotten.  We walked in and my partner recognized the new manager to be an old friend!


Not only did I have the experience I would love (having someone help me to purchase gear that gave me confidence in an actual shop), but I also received a friendly discount and had some extra freebies thrown in.


Seamlessly, we arrived back at the marina within minutes of the last water taxi with all my new loot and were focusing on the evening we wanted to have on the boat.  Our evening was spent sailing the Helford River, eating a delicious home-cooked dinner, and plotting our late summer motorbike ride.


At the end of the day, who knows why he was getting that course of action, to explore the top of the town instead of the bottom?  Maybe all of that would have happened if we had turned left… Who knows.  What I do know is that the day was effortless, easy and spacious, and we created all of our end results.


Make sure you have an end result for everything–what would you love?  If you really allow yourself to name what you would love, even if you don’t think it’s possible, you will create beyond what you think is rationally possible each and every day!


Now, it doesn’t always go to plan–in reality, we forgot to take the shopping with us and arrived in Helford with a tin of chopped tomatoes and a tin of kidney beans!  But we knew this didn’t have to impact us creating our end result of a beautiful evening together.  My man whipped up a meal with what we had to hand and we laughed about it all and created our beautiful evening.  Even when things go awry–when you’re coming from Spirit you can still create your end result!





I’ve heard it said that it takes 21 days to form a habit and 90 days to form a lifestyle.  So, we are starting a 90-day challenge on the webinar this month–90 days of doing your choices each and every day!


You can use the exercise sheets to support you in staying in a structure that will serve you daily to remain in the higher vibration.  In this way, you’ll get so used to doing them that it will be part of your lifestyle, and even if you fall off the wagon–which we all do–the tension will be pulling you back to your choices.


I’ve often said that the three C’s of creating are choices, coaching, and community.


It’s up to you to do your choices every day!


Through the evolving membership, our vision is to provide a structure that supports you and creates a thriving, supportive community, and an opportunity for coaching and reflection that will serve you towards staying in your highest vibra


Lessons for this module 16
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