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Operating from Our Highest Vibration
‘If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.’
―Nikola Tesla
Physicists and philosophers alike acknowledge that all matter has a vibration and that everything is energy. Even solid objects are comprised of individual atoms that are vibrating at such a high frequency that we experience them as hard to the touch.
Ultimately, everything in nature has its own vibration—and something interesting happens when vibrations interact. I’m reminded of an experiment that was once conducted to explore this phenomenon.
Two guitars were placed next to each other on a solid surface. The D string of one guitar was plucked and the same string on the other guitar started to vibrate without disturbing any of the other strings. The vibration on the original guitar was then stopped by hand, but started again as the vibration from string of the second guitar reached it. It was a powerful demonstration of how things on the same vibration react to each other and has been used by some to illustrate how the vibration that we as individuals give out comes back to us.
We are energetic beings. Everything in our universe is energy, and therefore has a vibration. Our emotions and thoughts are also vibrations, and vibrate at an even higher frequency than our physical body. This has been scientifically measured using an EEG (electroencephalogram).
So, if our thoughts and feelings are some of the most powerful vibrations in nature, and the vibration we give out comes back to us, then our thoughts and feelings are the most influential tools we have in creating our lives—for better or worse.
Operating within our C.A.G.E. traps us in our lower vibration. We’ve all experienced those ‘I should just go back to bed’ days: frustrated, angry, and woe-is-me. It seems like there is nothing we can do to get out of our funk and the day continues to spiral downward.
This is where the S.H.I.F.T. exercise becomes so important. Recognizing that we are in this low-vibration space and choosing to step out of it and connect with our higher vibration self (i.e. living from Spirit) is all that is needed to manoeuvre out of the low-vibration trap.
So why is this important, other than for getting out of our funk? There is a premise that states that we attract things that are on the same vibration as we are. Remember the guitar projecting the D vibration which in turn started another D vibration that then came back to the original string? When operating from a low vibration, you will continue to experience low vibration outcomes.
I had a day like this last week; I was woken up abruptly which put me straight into my C.A.G.E., and I consequently knew I was in a low vibration because everything seemed to go wrong, repeatedly sending me back into my C.A.G.E and more things went wrong! That might be okay for a day (if we choose to stay in it), but for a lifetime?
Let’s consider how vibration relates to an oscillating structure. Often our oscillating structure is created because we are trying to create the opposite of what we don’t want, i.e. money, jobs, relationships, and weight, we gain/lose and gain/lose again. We are surprised that we ended up right where we started. Essentially, what we are trying to create is on the same low vibration as where we are now, and when we attempt to create from the same vibration as our C.A.G.E. (i.e. from a state of fear) we inevitably develop a creation seesaw. For us to truly create we must have a vision that comes from a higher vibration—one that raises our vibration to create it. This is what the ancient philosophers meant when they talked about using the higher over the lower.
What we want is to be able to effortlessly create what we would love! The more we consciously shift into our highest vibration, and step out of our C.A.G.E., the higher vibration we can achieve. Each time we stretch our figurative higher vibration muscles, we are levelling up our strength as creators.
So, how do we create from a higher vibration and use the ‘higher over the lower’?
First, we need to acknowledge where we are now and honestly look at what’s keeping us here. We must honour what is in our current reality and name everything that we assume is standing in our way (the shadow of our C.A.G.E.). Naming these thoughts and feelings will take their power away and will enable us to let go of the attachment to the lower vibration that we’re stuck in. Once we release the lower vibration, we create the space necessary to embrace a higher vibration. I call this ‘stepping into innocence’.
In this new vibration, outside of our thoughts and feelings, we can see our truth—the highest vision of what we would love—and gain the obvious insights that serve this higher perspective.
The S.H.I.F.T. exercise is a great way to raise our vibration so we can see the truth of a situation. There are many ways to step into innocence (an essential component of the S.H.I.F.T. process) and this month I will share a variety of techniques. Often, I find that different approaches support me at different times, depending how entrenched I am in my C.A.G.E. The goal will be to identify what resonates with you.
Please remember that we will never feel great 100 per cent of the time; it is part of the human experience. Thankfully, feeling good is not a necessary component in powerful creation. We don’t have to be comfortable to inject creative tension and take obvious actions from our highest vibration. Often, powerful creation is uncomfortable because we are leaping out of our comfort zone. As William Whitecloud says, ‘creators don’t need emotional stability, victims do’.
On some days we may just choose not to leave our C.A.G.E. It can feel like a comfy pair of pyjamas. It is okay to occasionally have a low-vibration day, but the power lies in knowing that that is where you are and observing and learning from it. Be sure not to make life decisions in that lower vibration or create visions and goals from that space. Also remember that you have the power to S.H.I.F.T. at any point and raise up into a vibration that will support you in creating a more joyful day!
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