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September 21: The Power of Fundamental Choices

Leveraging Fundamental Choices to Stay in the Higher Vibration


Last month we talked about the importance of staying in the higher vibration.  This month, we are looking at one way we can anchor ourselves in the higher vibration; using Fundamental choices.


"Dеѕtinу iѕ not a mаttеr оf chance, it iѕ a matter оf сhоiсе”

—William Jennings Brуаn


Before we get started, let’s look at some language and get clarity on what we mean by a ‘choice’ and what we mean by an ‘end result’, as, sometimes, we can use them interchangeably.


A choice is a tool that anchors our Spirit to a higher vibration and propels us toward our desired end result.


  • An end result is what we want to create
    • g. a relationship


  • A choice is the juicy sentence that describes the end result and sends a clear message to your subconscious telling it what you want to create
    • g. I choose the end result of having a fun, loving, and magical marriage


Choices remind our Spirit of the energy and emotion within a vision.  They also help in concretizing end results.  Choices and end results provide our Spirit a roadmap for what we want to create.


We have different levels of choices in our lives.  You’ll be familiar with Lush Life choices from the module in April, but this month I want to look at the power of Fundamental choices.


I think of Lush Life choices as anchors into my lush Life vision.  By connecting with my Lush Life choices, I build creative tension that opens the door for insights to drop in, ultimately serving my Lush Life vision.


Fundamental choices, on the other hand, anchor us into the creative orientation.


Fundamental Choices


Taken from The Path of Least Resistance by Robert Fritz, Fundamental choices establish the foundation of living from Spirit and creating consciously.  They generate an orientational shift in how we live our life.  We can tweak the wording of these choices so that the core message resonates more strongly with us, but the essence of each individual choice is still required.


  • Choice #1: ‘I choose the end result of living my true nature and purpose’ (often, I change this to ‘living my true essence and spirit’)


If this was the only choice that we created, wouldn’t we be living our Lush Life?  This is a great choice to step into when you want to reach an even higher vibration and you’re not sure what the higher choice of the situation you are in is.


Ask yourself:  What does it feel like to be living in your truth? —doing exactly what you were born to do?


  • Choice #2: ‘I choose the end result of being healthy’


Without health, other choices become harder.  Although physical health is a key component, mental, emotional and spiritual health are just as important.  Having a core choice that addresses your overall health and wellbeing is essential for creating your Lush Life.


Ask yourself:  What is your vision of health?  What does it feel like to be healthy?  That vision is what your choice should evoke within you each time you connect with it.


  • Choice #3: ‘I choose the end result of being free’


Some people struggle with this concept because they are not literally locked up.  Even though it is not a physical obstacle, when we operate from our C.A.G.E. and allow our beliefs, assumptions, definitions and pre-conceived notions to direct our lives, we are not free.  Both aiming for what we love and living from Spirit are the true liberators.


Ask yourself:  What does it feel like to truly be free?



  • Choice #4: ‘I choose the end result of being the predominant creative force in my life’


This choice speaks to our mastery of unconsciously creating from our C.A.G.E. and instead creating consciously from Spirit, and understanding that you are in the driver’s seat of your own existence.  It allows you to have the confidence to truly know that you can and will create what your soul and Spirit desires… effortlessly.  This choice allows you to take the reins and removes the power from external forces.  Things don’t just happen to us, we create everything.


As we step into each of the visions, and, crucially, the emotion of these end results, we will observe whatever is obvious to us intuitively so that these visions will each mean whatever is important for them to mean to serve our highest Spirit at that moment.  There is no right way, and you may experience different visions for each of these at different time.


Since these are the building blocks of conscious living, if you only stepped into each of these choices every day, you would have the tools to create an amazing life.


Using the Fundamental choices—tune into the podcast to find out more ideas J


We can use these choices in a couple of ways:


  • For decision making: We’ve talked about using the higher over the lower.  When we have something that we need to decide on, it can be helpful to step into the higher energy of a fundamental choice and ask ourselves, ‘does this course of action serve my true nature and purpose?’


  • To C.R.E.A.T.E. them!: You can use the C.R.E.A.T.E. exercise to put tension into each of these choices to support you to live more fully in the creative orientations, and to express your Spirit more fully.


I often find that as people start to create their Lush Life they stop focusing on the Fundamental choices.  Don’t!  We need to keep ourselves anchored into the creative orientation—it’s the foundation for the rest of our creating.





Lessons for this module 16
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