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September 2020: Creating Beyond Resistance

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Creating Beyond Resistance
“There exists in the Universe a blind refractory force that denies the will of God”
– Plato
There is a premise that states, “resistance will try to prevent us from creating the things that we would love and anything that stands in the way of our creations, is resistance”.

Now, that doesn't mean it's a law or an indefatigable truth.  To me, a premise is a hypothesis… an idea about the way things work.  If the premise is applied in our lives, and we can create more effortlessly, GREAT.   If the premise does not serve in creating what we would love, then it is time to adopt a new premise!
I like this premise of ‘everything that stops us from going for what we love is resistance’ because then if something happens to take us off track we don't see it as a sign that we shouldn't be going for the things that we love. We just recognize whatever is happening as resistance that our ego is putting in place to try and protect us.  We have a choice to buy into the resistance or say “not today, you don’t get to kick my butt today”.   Or for the GOT fans, ‘what do we say to the God of Resistance….not today!’
Why do we get resistance?  
Our instinct, or ego, does whatever it can to keep us safe in the world.   One of the ways it does this is through fear, uncertainty, and doubt – this is the resistance that stops us from creating what we would truly love.  In trying to protect us, our ego comes up with a variety of ways to stop us in the tracks of creation.
If we define resistance as ‘anything that stands in the way of creating what we would love’, we will see that it can show up internally or externally.  
§ Internal Resistance: what happens in the moment
Our instinct often provides thoughts and feelings that prevent us from taking a step forward toward what we would love.  These thoughts and feelings foster emotions that drive our actions.  These ego-driven actions further support our resistance.   Resistance can often play out as a vicious cycle of procrastination and time spent on inessential activity. 
In the moment resistance is sneaky, often we don’t even realize it is happening.   How often do you find yourself sucked into hours of Facebook scrolling instead of taking action to serve your end result?  I know that I had to address my own resistance to finish this article for the membership!   
§ Internal Resistance:  Setting yourself up for failure 
Resistance often plays a long game:  leaving something to the last minute and ending up with a problem.
I remember a situation where a client ran into her own resistance long game.  I was hosting a retreat that my client had on her calendar for months.  The morning of the retreat, she realized that she had not got new tires for her car.  This errand had been on her list for a long time but was never addressed.  When she arrived at the garage, she learned that there was not enough time for the tires to be changed and her tires were too bald to make the trip to the retreat.  
It seems like these things ‘just happen’ or are bad luck. But our ego is sneaky and will often set us up to miss out on what will serve us to create.   
§ External Resistance:  outside events
External resistance is a little harder to recognize.  It includes things that we seemingly have no control over yet show up when we are going for what we love. 
“My child always gets sick before I leave for a trip…”
“I can’t go to the class because I have a migraine…”
“I was late to that interview because of traffic…”
“I repel technology.  My internet crapped out right before my meeting with a new prospect…”
In fact, I've run four new membership orientations over the past few weeks.   During every session, when we started sharing what resistance we had to the membership, my internet died and I got kicked off the call.
What a great example of how external resistance can play out.
How to Overcome Resistance:  recognize and name in the moment! 

  • Treat anything that is stopping you from creating what you would love as resistance.  
  • Name what you are resisting (why are you resisting getting on the call with your new prospect or making it to the retreat).
  • Name what you are making that mean about you (powerless, not capable, etc.)
  • Reconnect with your vision, end result and emotion you feel in that space.
  • Simply ask: “what’s obvious from here” and take the obvious action

You’ll be surprised what may shift in the moment.  In my experience, my internet kicked back in.    Your next obvious action may be something that you can activate on in the moment or may be an insight that gets you back on your path in creating what you would love. 
The most important thing is to not allow resistance to stop is from taking the next step forward in creation. 


Lessons for this module 16
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